January 14, 2010

Evolution 101

Zuska had a botfly
living in her leg.
(In truth, I do not lie.)
Came a little egg,
rolled off a 'quito's back,
down the little snout
into the hole its sack.
There twould not come out.
It had a little tube,
where it got its air;
and blew it in a fugue--
raising Zuska's hair!
Came out a worm one day,
color of slick white.
From then we cannot say.
Except when it's night,
a new egg is begot,
waiting for a ride--
plus some of Zuska's lot--
to now in you reside!

January 1, 2010

There is no other

Imagine a point here and another far and a third to the left of the sun about an inch but distant five light years.

Each and all of these or other points are at the center of an infinite surround ever expanding towards eternity but never getting there where there is no there.

Which means you or other and all are at the center of a universe so timeless and boundless each is inconceivable and minuscule.

Pass the wine and give me a bit of cheese (while I get my head around all of that in my timeless moment at the center of nowhere).

Trite repetitions such as this console us not, we of those documentary children left on our own but recipients of ready made insights and shakable conclusions.

If every point is a center, then there is none and neither bringing rights, lofty expansive descriptions, or morose morsels that need concern us.

Yes, I'll have another, thanks.

No one can leave it like that, insignificant beings in immense seeings. What of the meanings inside and great deeds done in the immediate surround?

They have a measure of difference among like kinds just as galaxies among billions collide and we hardly notice, but they are momentous moments too.

Yes I'll have another, thanks.

Then I'm done here. No one will notice except the humor and my long suffering partner, the star, at the other center of my universe where there is no other.