November 12, 2009

Meme in a Kosmos

[A short gloss. Memes are _structures_ we can perceive of recurrent _mutual understandings_ along side of _science_ and _art_. The quartet is a Kosmic description, which is also not the whole but part. Our participation is required. But this piece will be the last of merely naming, therefore claiming. It does not do what it says it should.]


Have you seen a meme?
It is like a theme.

_Seen one I've never.
I'm not so clever._

It's like what we do,
needs one, maybe two.

_Can you eat it, yumm?
Something cooked by Mum?_

More like over time,
things we eat, or rhyme.

_Made then they are.
Memes are not so far._

Close at hand we see.
Out of sight they be.

_Are they fixed on land,
timeless as the sand?_

No, they sometimes shift.
We must through them sift.

_So to say they're there,
memes are when we stare._

Yes, and more with some,
before you say, "Done!"

_Why we themes do sew,
if memes come and go?_

Occupy our time--
till we wax sublime.

_Trees are one with ground,
if Truth is never found._


That may be for you.
Some massage the goo.

_Thus they form a pense
to avert the rends?_

Yes, tears and more, say,
to effect what may.

_Some things we create
science cannot sate._

Ideas finely posed,
are our history's prose.

_Without good and new,
little would be true._

A poor life we'd lead
without ideas' good steed.

_That along with text
we can forge what's next._

Nature, time and space
include thoughts apace.

_Silly rhyme is this.
Beauty's part we miss._

Let not us deceive.
Kosmos can conceive.

_Truth is science 'main.
Structure not disdain . . ._

Words our meanings make.
No poems forsake.

_Thank you gentle god.
We'd be more than clod._