October 9, 2009

Clinical trial failure

GIRL: No, that was nice, really.

BOY: I am so sorry.

GIRL: It's OK. Some guys just can't.

BOY: Oh?

GIRL: Yeah, sometimes it's like that.

BOY: How do you know?

GIRL: Well, I just know.

BOY: You just know? This is something you just know?

GIRL: Yeah. And we talk.

BOY: Who's we?

GIRL: You know, girls.

BOY: You mean girls talk about this stuff? between each other?

GIRL: Yes. It's OK. We can try again sometime. Soon.

BOY: [silence]


BOY: So what?

GIRL: So what do you think? about trying again, I mean.

BOY: Seems a bit clinical to me.

GIRL: What do you mean?

BOY: Well, you seem to know all about it. And you even know people and talk with your girlfriends and . . .

GIRL: Yes, we need to know. I mean we need to be prepared.

BOY: Prepared for what?

GIRL: For . . . for aborted attempts.

BOY: Now it really sounds clinical. Pretty cold.

GIRL: We could try again right now.

BOY: Jeese. I don't like talking about this. It is like school or going over the steps before bungee jumping or something. You--I really got to get up the nerve for something like this.

[prolonged silence]

GIRL: I think it's time to cut you off.

BOY: Cut me off? Off what?

GIRL: All this. I don't think you are mature enough to handle it.

BOY: Handle it? I can handle anything. I can prove it.

GIRL: Well, not just, er, recently . . .

BOY: I don't want to talk about it.

GIRL: OK. See you later then.

BOY: Just like that?

GIRL: Yep. You're not up to it, or can't . . .

BOY: That's a bit harsh.

GIRL: OK. If you say so.

BOY: I do. I do say so.

GIRL: Well, see ya.

BOY: Doubt it.

GIRL: Don't be a spoiled sport.

BOY: I'm not. I just . . . I just thought . . .

GIRL: Thought what?

BOY: That it would be more . . . soft or romantic or something.

GIRL: Maybe I didn't use the right words.

BOY: Yeah, maybe.

GIRL: See ya!

BOY: Hmm. Charlie said it would be like this with you. I didn't believe him, but now I do.

GIRL: Charlie? Charlie! What did he say?

BOY: I think it's time to cut you off. I'll spread the word.

GIRL: What did you say?