January 10, 2012

Apropos of right

CANDIDATE: I know some want to ask questions about religion, abortion and so on. I am happy to answer all questions insofar as they relate to the office I seek.

My general position is this: Matters of religion and state should remain separate, as our constitution states. In addition, I support freedom of choice, expression and practice. No one belief system should enjoy privilege or preference over others.

My personal beliefs may in the eyes of some have a bearing on the policies I advocate or enact, or the decisions I make. Where personal beliefs come into conflict with the will and beliefs of others is inevitable. We live in and I embrace a society with multiple perspectives, and this is the standard I set for myself and forms the basis of my candidacy.

For those who wish to inquire into what I believe and practice, for whatever reason, I am happy to answer. But I must limit this to just a few questions, because we need to get to other issues as well, and in my statement here I believe I have answered the substance of any relevant relation between my beliefs and the office I seek.

In short, at the end of the day you vote and I vote. We have our own reasons for the choices we make. Plus as __________, I will champion the will of the people as constitutionally developed, articulated and approved.

So, questions?

QUESTIONER: What is your position on abortion and evolution?

CANDIDATE: This sounds like two questions, or one that would take a non-politician to answer. Let me approach these this way.

Abortion is legal in this country. I support the rule of law and the rights and privileges granted to the people under the law. I also support those who would seek to have this or other laws reconsidered or clarified. If a significant number of voters wanted me to use my office to help bring about a change, I will. In this sense I can be both a representative and servant.

My personal view on the specific question of whether abortion should be legal is irrelevant at this stage. If I took a position, this would place me and the office I seek in the position of advocating a private and therefore particular view. Some relish this idea, to have at the helm a person of like mind and will. But I do not agree that this is the leader's best and most important role.

The most reasonable and helpful view of the __________ is to make sure the wheels of democracy turn without unnecessary or irrelevant friction. When the debate has settled on a course of action, I will, given your vote in the next election, have my part to play, which I will then, as is only reasonable and proper, explain and defend pubically. Government of, by and for the people will not be realized if the government itself pushes and pulls according to the changing and developing positions on the issues of the day. Government, including elected politicians, should move in concert with the people.

Same goes for all the words being spent on evolution and, let's admit it, creationism and science. This government has no business acting as judge or jury in matters of science or religion. Let each of these pursue their highest and greatest goods. Let the people make their recommendations on merit and which public policies are appropriate. Let government stand aside in matters it has no expertise or business in addressing.

What expertise do I or any in the administration have to declare evolution is "just a theory, and not a a very good one"? None. Same goes for intelligent design, or whatever wrapping you want to package that idea in.

But how does evolution and the insights it contributes to the understanding of our world relate to government's role in what is taught in schools? One example: government does support science by establishing national priorities and granting money for science, education and research, because science has a clear relationship to social and economic progress, which is the business of government. And there are concrete measures of knowledge and competence in the work of science and scientists.

Creationism to my knowledge has not yet demonstrated its contributions to society.

QUESTIONER: You are a __________. __________s--they have been responsible for great crimes and tragedies in recent history. Do you have a comment?

CANDIDATE: First, yes I practice __________. But I am not an apologist for this religion or its extremists. "They", by the way, is too vague. Let it be said that whatever the religion, "they" have been responsible for ills past and present. Not just the "they" of __________, but the theys of all the major religions.

If you judge me based on religious preference, I would respectfully point out that discrimination based on religion . . . well, you know the rest. No one is accusing you in particular of anything. But you can see how this concern about my religion or a particular religion could grow into a conflict with the basic principle--should I say freedom--we have agreed to live by in this country.

I fail to see how this concern you have expressed, and I acknowledge that the concern may not be yours but you are just sensing it and voicing it for others . . . I fail to see how it relates to me and my candidacy, unless people wish to focus on irrelevant and vague fears and unfairly judge the substance of me and my candidacy for the office, I should say job, that I seek.

Suffice to say, I am a God-loving American who wants to serve his fellow citizens bringing whatever human and political skills I can to the office.

QUESTIONER: You have taken the wind out of specific questions about religion and policy by focusing on the democratic process rather than what personal beliefs you have that would guide your decisions, actions, initiatives. Can you say what initiatives you would champion that are tied to your religious beliefs?

CANDIDATE: I think I have answered this in general and specifically--abortion review, science and evolution versus creationism, separation of church and state, my personal vote and what I would champion in the public not private arena, socioeconomic progress, education and achievement, social justice in my references to discrimination, the freedoms we enjoy . . . a belief in the constitution and being consistent with what we embrace and how we behave. Fairly comprehensive list of issues I am concerned about for a start, I would say.

If there is one belief that all the major religions agree on it is there is one god. I believe in that God. And if he or she wants anything from us, it is to work together to realize what is true, good and beautiful. I gladly dedicate my private and public life to this God and these aspirations.

QUESTIONER: Faith-based organizations now enjoy public funding for their work in health care, social welfare, education and so on. Will you support the continued use of public funding for private and sectarian organizations?

CANDIDATE: Yes, whether they be faith-based or not. Public funding for public work deserves public support. With these cautions. I do not support using public funds to support private, proprietary or proselytizing work. I do not support public funding for any and all public work carried out best by the government itself. This means I am against distancing ourselves from our missions and mistakes by contracting with, for example, business or industry.

QUESTIONER: Presidents since __________ have punctuated their remarks and addresses to the people by saying something like "God bless", or "God bless America". Presidents in recent times have disturbed the majority of Americans by sometimes omitting this acknowledgement to a higher power. How will you handle this in your public remarks?

CANDIDATE: Let me ask you. Do you think that someone should say something just to please just some in the audience? Do you think someone should say something he or she did not believe in or think appropriate at the time? Was there ever a time in our history--looking back with some wisdom that time and reflection allow us--when was it ever appropriate to boast that God was on our side? Or that our adversaries should dare oppose us.

Arrogance and elitism are the Achilles' heel of would-be imperialists and failed civilizations. They have no place in today's interdependent world.

The formulae you have given as examples have been heard as the concluding words to important addresses. What if the addresses themselves and the person of the public official were to utter such faith and hope in the context of specific challenges and adversities?

Let's grow up. Waiting for your leaders to say exactly what and when others have before him is to rest in the conventional and familiar. I'm not satisfied with that nor do I think that our citizens should be.

Let's wake up. It is time to take bold new steps in the confidence that we are strong and capable and understanding and trusting enough to dare to be the kind of nation and society we say we are. If you like, God bless that, and God bless us.

You want a democratic leader that dares to tell you the truth from time to time about our lack of maturity or wrong-headedness? Good. Let's roll up our sleeves. Get out and vote. I am Ms __________, and I am running for __________.