Hello. My name is Gabriella Kapplan. Call me Gabe--long a--not Gabby. I am here today . . . excuse me. I'm new at this. Let me start again.
Welcome. We are here today as guests and by invitation. It appears not all who received an invitation chose to come.
My role is a kind of advocate, standing in for a benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous.
First, just to go over things we probably already know. This is the invitation delivered by personal courier. You have each have received a copy and signed for it.
You are hereby invited to spend the weekend of June 10 and 11 at J.K. Place, a boutique hotel on the island of Capri, Italy, all expenses paid except travel to and from.
There is no obligation whatsoever. No one will try to sell you anything, nor will you be presented with anything to buy. Think of it as a random act of kindness for which you are the beneficiary. Perhaps you need just a short break from your usual routine.
On Saturday morning at ten, there will be a short meeting (this one) in the Globe Conference Room (here) to present an offer. The offer involves a monetary gift and the minimum requirements for its receipt.
You may attend this meeting or not. You may accept the offer or not. Perhaps you will think of it as a second act of kindness, or just plain good fortune. Perhaps you will think it is lunacy, and that I am not serious. You would be wrong in this.
A reservation has been made in your name. No other guests will be staying at J.K. Place this weekend. You and other invited guests will have the place to yourselves. Relax and enjoy.
Well, that is it, and here we are. I think everyone is present who registered with the hotel. So we are all on square one, as they say.
She paused for a moment and then said,
The second item on my agenda is to present the above mentioned offer in detail. This is it, all of it. You all received a copy as you entered the room.
A year from now you will be given one million euros as a gift if you adhere to the following conditions.
1. No sleuthing around.
Do not try to discover who I am or why I am doing this.
2. Ssh!
Keep this offer a secret--from everyone.
3. Renounce your culture for one year.Short and sweet? As promised.
Think of it as a coat you are wearing and just take it off.
You have this offer in writing in the form of a "promissory note," which if you agree, you must sign and date. Like begets like. You keep your promise; you get what has been promised to you.
Oh, quoting exactly from my presentation notes, and on behalf of our benefactor, "Please sign the attached note and give it to my advocate. Then return here next year to receive your deserved gift."
One final information item. Here is an affidavit and account statement for a certificate of deposit showing 100 million euros, the interest it's accruing, and the date all moneys can be withdrawn without penalty. That date is one year from the twentieth of last month, allowing sufficient time next year to distribute the promised amounts. Naturally, certain information has been blocked out.
You may examine this affidavit and statement yourself, if you like. Come to the table here and have a look in this folder I have made to hold the relevant documents. This statement, I assume, is provided to show that this offer is backed sufficiently for, shall we call them, random acts of kindness?
That is all I have.
After you have had time to consider this offer and perhaps meet other beneficiaries, I mean prospective beneficiaries, we can meet and try to answer questions. You can retract any promise you make today, if you like. Not a long but a sufficient waiting period for such an extraordinary offer, I think. Shall we say tomorrow, same time, same place? before your departure? Checkout time is noon. Nine in the morning sharp, then.
As she said these last words, Gabe looked as if she was getting ready to leave. She picked up her pen and dropped it into her briefcase. She shuffled her notes and tapped the stack to even the papers. As she did this, the conference room erupted in a low buzz and it was growing louder when one voice rose above the rest. The loud voice asked, What do you mean by culture? Another asked, how will you know if we meet these conditions?
Gabe looked up and appeared surprised there was any question.
Hello. My name is Babu. I am sorry. Miss Kapplan cannot join you today. You met her last year. She sent her best wishes. I am here to keep your benefactor's promise. I am here to confirm you have received your money.
You promised not to question the person who is your benefactor. Promises of a personal and business nature worth so much material gain deserve respect and discretion.
I believe I put that incorrectly. We make promises because of mutual care and honor. I trust you agree, and that you were able to honor your part.
Finally, you set your culture aside for almost a year. I assure you no malice was intended by this, only goodness and joy. Your experience should establish the truth of this.
During this past year you wrote Miss Kapplan the details of your bank account to receive your gift should you fulfill your obligations. As of this moment, the money has been transferred to you.
Thank you for coming today. It is a day of celebration. Don't you agree? I have asked that the hotel place a banquet before you on the terrace overlooking the sea. It is a beautiful day. Let's enjoy it together. You may relax. You may be yourself. There are no more rules or conditions.
Babu left the room, and on the dias there were two folders. He returned a few minutes later to retrieve them. He found just one.