August 24, 2007

Parting's last words

Be not sad, my brother.
You have you.
And you are a precious gift
to yourself and others.

You have charm and grace
and know the opposites.
You are gifted and creative.
Create then give.

Dark moments pass soon--
They're never forever.
Light moments can last--
if we see and receive them.

Our time here is brief.
Let the goodness that is
in people and places
bring joy to your heart.

Rid your self of demons.
They are but images
our minds can dismiss.
Trash 'em.

Enjoy the days.
There are but few left
for each of us.
We don't know and can't.

To reach for answers,
or to know for certain,
escapes even science.
Let mysteries be.

We can age in oneness,
with the flow of things,
gracefully, happily,
in humor and wonder.

It's not over yet.
Fat ladies may sing
but what do they know?
It's your song, not theirs.

Focus on now.
It is all we have.
Gather your blessings,
and we have many.

Health is our duty
above all else.
Doctors don't have it.
It is already ours.

The respect you seek
is inside of you.
Ask your self for it--
others will follow suit.

Be good to yourself.
We already know
others put themselves first.
It's your time to reap.

We will meet again--
in fact no one's gone.
Hell has been ours.
Heaven's the next dawn.

And when you have hold
of you solid, accepted,
then you will have
adoration and love deserved.

And that may come
from an unexpected corner,
so surprising and right.
You'll delight when she finds you.

You are meant for this.
All preparation's done--
to love self and other,
and bask in love's sun.

Rejoice and sing, my brother.
You have you.
And you are a precious gift
To yourself and me.